Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie Sex Tape Discovered!!!

The traffic to my blog has gone from a trickle to nothing at all.

Why have you forsaken me?!!

Is it because I have super boring content or is it that I just don't have a catchy title?

Time for a little Blogger experiment.

For the next few days I am going to try and come up with entry titles that will, hopefully, generate a lot of interest. The content will have nothing to do with the title, but I'm just interested to see what kind of affect a catchy title has on traffic.

If you have come here looking for a little porn featuring Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed. But thanks for the hit anyway. While you're here why not leave a comment about how pissed off you are that I lied about the sex tape.

Happy Surfing!!

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